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Despite our busy schedules, we meet regularly every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.  This has been of great value and honestly I feel so optimistic after each meeting.

On our first meeting, 4 weeks ago, we talked for an hour and came up with the master plan. We were sitting in a social room exchanging ideas and actually agreed on what our product would be.

We were all international students with tight resources and decided that we won’t be investing cash. We’ll be making something out of nothing.

What better way to do this than using discarded materials. We’ll go for recycling. All we have to do is rummage through rubbish and find the items we want.

We also have a fashion designer, Chenyi, who was eager to create.

And on our fourth meeting, voila, we have our prototype. We actually have made something from recycled materials.

Because we are making products from the recycled materials, everything will be very unique. There won’t be mass production of same design.

Thus, there is no cost involved in creating our product. A huge load off on cashflow pressure. The only big cash input is coming up with 100 pounds for our insurance pay for the Young Entrepreneur program.

There won’t be storage fee, utility fee or rental cost for anything.

And with Jean’s excellent people connection and Lee’s business/finance planning, we won’t be suffering from cash shortage.

Because our brand (3J+Z) isn’t recognized and we are just start-ups, we won’t be able to sell our products to generate huge revenue. Our products will be less costly, mainly calculating in delivery charge, VAT and corporate tax, and possibly retrieving 100 pounds spent to pay our insurance. If we sell our products at places or sites that charges fees, then we’ll have to include that too in pricing.

After switching to paper from broadcasting, I just can’t get myself be re-interested in visual effect. Feel so happy when words come together to make sentences, to phrases, and convey message to the readers.

One Comment

  1. Excellent post here. Photos to illustrate the detail of what you made, and a very good description of how you chose your business idea make it a memorable post. It also demonstrates your business thinking skills.

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